Hi there! My name is Emma McArthur, and I am the office manager for Clarity Psychology Inc.
If you give us a call, I will be the one answering the phone and helping with questions. If you need to get ahold of me, please email our general account at .
Education and Credentials:
- Bachelor of Arts Degree with High Distinction from Concordia University of Edmonton with a Major in Psychology
Background / Experience:
I spent my bachelor’s degree working at Concordia University as an administrative assistant. Since I graduated in 2020, I have been the office manager at Clarity Psychology. I love working with psychologists and clients and learning more about assessment and counselling.
About Me:
I love my job and the people I get to work with every day! I have a wonderful husband and enjoy playing softball, hiking and camping all over Alberta, vacationing in Maui, and visiting my family farm.