The use of tele-assessments, or the administration of standardized tests remotely using technology (i.e., intellectual assessments, academic assessments, personality inventories), has become increasingly popular and can allow access to assessments in areas where there is a lack of qualified professionals. Although some modifications are necessary when administering assessments remotely, the quality of assessments completed online can be very similar to in-person assessments when done correctly. The use of tele-assessments is not appropriate for all clients; however, in some situations, such as when clients are in remote settings, tele-assessment may be a viable option.
A number of factors need to be considered when conducting tele-assessments, such as the client’s comfort level with technology, access to a computer with a camera and microphone, physical limitations which could impact testing (e.g., ocular injuries, difficulties controlling a mouse due to motor restrictions), and/or communication challenges. In addition, clients must also understand some of the additional security concerns involved in conducting tele-assessments, such as concerns with information privacy due to hackers. When a tele-assessment is being considered, clients complete a thorough screening to address these concerns.